
1、let it be what it will be,it will be;自然灾害的英语作文 Many,many years ago,people livedwith dogs in cavesThere haveheen frequent natural disasters,such as floods, droughts, mudrock flows, seismic sea waves,earthquakes, windstorms and the;地震虽然是造成人口伤亡的天灾,但也不是不可预防的如果能把握时机运用防震知识就可以保护自己如地震发生前观察到鸟动物的异常躁动地震发生时蹲在桌子下面都可以减轻地震带来的伤害可见,学习地震知识非常重要 英文The direct;地震和水灾给人类的生命及财产能造成巨大的损失,是不可抗拒的自然灾害但是,如果具备灾害发生前的紧急预案措施和发生后的基本自救常识,就能把损失降低到最低限度学校是人群聚集的场所,要引起高度的重视一地震预防与;We should learn to save our unable to prevent the occurrence of natural disasters, but we can avoid danger, the insured himself亲,该休息喽求采纳答案,希望对你有帮助;“自然灾害”通常有地震泥石流海啸台风洪水等突发性灾害人们还无法阻止自然灾害的发生,但是完全可以根据自然灾害发生的规律和特点,采取积极有效的措施,尽量地减少损失根据实际情况,可以采取以下措施防范自然灾害1;SceneWenchuan in Sichuan#39s a small building,the floor has been riding!The wounded woman her motherdaughter and daughter also okay raquo The wounded daughter her daughterMom,I also good!But what;and even lead to acid rain Human beings should protect the natural, can reduce losses翻译对自然灾害的发生,往往会带来巨大的损失自然灾害,不断有肆无忌惮的人类砍伐森林,从而导致了自然的问题,如水土流失。


2、prevent, protect, run, hide, claim;Everyone should protect our environment,because every year our country suffers too much natural disasters;family spends just over 10% 226 million children are lost their chances for a good education and bright futureBut, World Hunger Can Be Defeated我写的是地震之后的影响,这也是关于自然灾害的文章啊;can reduce losses差不多了,翻译对自然灾害的发生,往往会带来巨大的损失自然灾害,不断有肆无忌惮的人类砍伐森林,从而导致了自然的问题,如水土流失,荒漠化,沙尘暴,造成大量破坏人类应该保护森林环境,从而防止许多自然。


3、Natural Disasters自然灾害 In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mudrock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new;如何预防自然灾害? 突然好急哦itrjhioj 突然好急哦itrjhioj 展开 #xE768 我来答 8个回答 #热议# 武大靖在冬奥的表现,怎么评价最恰当? gzhpwpy 20140207 知道答主 回答量1 采纳率0% 帮助的人1060 我也去;The longterm earthquake prediction And shortterm earthquake prediction, the longterm earthquake prediction can be achieved, mainly based on the fault of seismologists and geological structure of the study。