
两种你打算去哪儿度假的英文Where are you going for your holidayvacation?holiday 读法 英 #712h#594l#601de#618 美 #712hɑ#720l#601de#618n假期度假期假日,节日;真正的老外在生活里永远不会说“where do we go to play 这种奇怪的英文如果是大家一起想出去玩,老外基本就说 quotAny idea where we can go toquot。

这个假期你去哪里玩 Where are you going to play this holiday?在平时的学习中,我们注意到一般的时间状语前都有介词inonat或for 等,而实际上在英语中,有不少表示时间的状语前是不加介词的1在 today, tomorrow;Where are you going 你要去哪里 重点词汇1where 读音英 we#601r 美 weradv哪里,在哪里到哪里某种情势或位置 conj在的地方 n地方,场所 pron哪里 复数 wheres 2going 读音英。

quotToday#39s going to play?quot;Where do we go to play?祝你学习愉快 *^__^*请及时采纳,多谢。


几点了excuse me,what time is it now 到XX怎么去could you show me the way to我们需要怎么做what should we do ?还有常用的其他句子谢谢 Thank you多谢-- Thanks a lot对不起,麻烦你。



Where are we going to have fun?或者Where are we going to hang out 但老外一般不这样提问,他们多是问“我们去哪里好呢”前后的语境里会指明去游玩还是怎么样希望对你有帮助。

Where will we go to,tomorrow? ===Where are we going to,tomorrow。

How is your holiday? And where have you been。

英文原文Where shall we have fun today ?英式音标we#601 #643#230l #643#601l wi#720 h#230v f#652n t#601#712de#618 ?美式音标w#603r。

Go and play outside 例句有时分,本人能够去外面玩,本人的朋友Sometimes I can go to play with my friend 你们得去外面玩了,我没穿见客的衣服Howard#39s mother You#39re gonna have。


1、麻烦你了 在向别人请教时可以说 excuse me ,或者 sorry to bother you 请教完后可以说 thanks 或 thanks for your time恰巧 What a coincidence! 或者是 it happendsed that。

2、Today was May 1st,the weather was sunny,I went to the park by bike,I had a picnic thereI was happy。

3、到哪儿买旅游手册或北京地图?谢谢! Thank you多谢!-- Thanks a lot对不起,麻烦你 Excuse me抱歉 Excuse the mess需要帮忙吗?--Can I help you谢谢你的帮助 Thank you for helping me。