
1、This summer vacation is very happy I went to the countryside for my summer vacation今年的暑假生活非常愉快我去农村过暑假It#39s very beautiful there There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals。

2、What do you want to go on vacation this year? 你今年要到哪里去度假?Where do you go to get a haircut? 你去哪儿理发Where did you go to Tianjin or to Beijing? 您去了哪里天津还是北京Where do。

3、我去夏令营度假第一天,我们去了美丽的海滩这是一个阳光和炎热的一天,所以我们去游泳The water was warm and we had a good time Then the next day, we went to the mountains水是温暖的,我们玩得很开心。


4、This summer,my mother took me to go to the park by bus,park people,my mother and I play all day,but we are tired of the mood is very good这个暑假,妈妈带我坐公车去了公园,公园好多人,我和妈妈玩了。

5、Where will you visit in your Summer vacation?或者 Where will you go to have fun in the summer。


7、Where did you go during the holiday?I had a good time in this summer vocation i visit my aunt and her son, we are good friends We hold a big partyThen i went to Hainan it#39s a very。




10、Where will you go for the summer holiday?这是一般未来时,如果是别的时态我重新回复,还有就是这个句子缺少主语,加了一个you,望采纳。

11、During the summer holiday, I went to Tokyo with my best friendIt took us seven days to play a lot of placesWe went to Japan#39s first peak, Mt Fuji, is located in Japan Tokyo Sumida District of。

12、去hiknow吧,我家孩子就在那上课一个班几个人,暑假班也就几百块,而且老师发音很好,最主要是我家孩子很喜欢,你们自己也可以去他们网站看看 里面课程都可以试听的。


14、孩子爱玩是天性,那么为什么不把这种天性巧妙地利用起来,让它成为英语学习的好帮手呢? 所以我觉得5年级小孩子暑假想学好英语,最好的方法就是把他们送英语夏令营去英语夏令营都是以培养学生英语兴趣为要义,创新性地把英语。

15、玩了一段时间后,我父亲说“海的温度升高了去游泳吧”我和妹妹很兴奋地穿上带游泳环的泳衣去海边The waves hit us The water was a little cold, but it was very comfortable to travel to Qingdao The。

16、The summer holiday is coming This summer, I#x27m going to Beijing with my parents for my holiday Beijing is our capital city We are going to the Summer Palace, climb the Great Wall and visit。

17、暑假去哪玩啦?Where are you going to play in the summer vacation。