
疫情防控英文是Epidemic prevention and control例句1经国家有关部门批准后,会根据疫情防控需要在这一人群中推动接种Following approval by relevant authorities, vaccination prevention and control situation2疫情防控。

预防疫情注意事项用英语有以下5点1No party this year, double love next year今年不聚会,来年双倍情2Having a meal together will not break the family relationship eating together will add chaos to。


疫情就是命令,我们坚决为你守护10Since then, as long as you are safe, even if you do n’t see it every year此后,只要生生平安,即使岁岁不见预防疫情,公众需“接种社会疫苗”秋冬季呼吸系统疾病对。

demanded the US Sanitation Department to improve its epidemic prevention measures at port in oder to reduce imported cases from other regions香港方面已经要求美国卫生部做好口岸防疫措施,减少其他地方的输入性病例。

Be sure to wear masks on the way to and from work and try not to take public transportation疫情防护小知识 1经常洗手,每次至少20秒,使用流动的水和肥皂或洗手液2出门需要戴口罩咳嗽或打喷嚏时,应使用。



4不要召开会议,避免大量人员集聚,同事间交流要保持距离Don#39t hold a meeting, avoid a large number of people gathering, and keep a distance between colleagues5办公室保持干净整洁,注意通风Keep the。

抗击疫情fight the epidemicfight是抽象名词,表示某种动作,即“打架”“吵架”,也可指“战斗”“斗争”,是可数名词fight的另一个意思是“斗志”,不可数fight后常跟不同的介词,如with,against等在表示与自然。

1万众一心,何惧疫情How can we fear the epidemic?2科学防疫,不信谣,不造谣Scientific epidemic prevention, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors3多难兴邦,共克时艰How difficult it is。


Spring is warm and sunny enough,everywhere blooms,a thriving sceneHowever,a disease is prone to every spring and infect seasonquotDon#39t blow cold YangLiuFengquot season,occasionally,have a headache,fatigue,fever。

At present, the prevention of new coronavirus has been well controlled But we still need to pay attention to personal precautions The first thing to do is to try to avoid going to places with a lot。

人们通常从受感染的猪感染上猪流感,然而,有些病例并没有和猪,或猪存在过的环境的接触在一些程度下,人和人 的接触会导致传播,但仅限于密切接触和封闭的人群5食用猪肉能否感染没有证据说明,猪流感是由于食用。

1万众一心,何惧疫情How can we fear the epidemic?2一人感染,全家升天One infected, the whole family ascended to the sky3多难兴邦,共克时艰How difficult it is to prosper the country and。

疫情用英语说应该为疫情 词典information about and appraisal of an epidemic epidemic situation例句不过,卫生部门仍警告称,疫情还有“诸多不确定性”However, the health authorities are still warning of quota。

如下Firstly,when we are in school,we should take good care of ourselves and we are expected to care about others to make sure everyone is healthySecondly,we should wear the masks and wash our hands。

疫情无情人有情,相信春天总会到来9The epidemic is an order, and we are determined to guard you!疫情就是命令,我们坚决为你守护10Since then, as long as you are safe, even if you do n’t see。

我知道你现在很害怕不要担心疫情不可怕 只要做好防疫措施就行了I know you#x27re scared right now Don#x27t worry that the epidemic is not terrible,just take preventive measures。