
1、她很会搭配衣服翻译为英文是1 She can match her clothes well2 She could match her clothes well搭配衣服,match clothes 注请提问者珍惜回答者付出的知识和劳动,及时采纳答案。

2、白色可以搭配几乎所有色彩的衣服 White goes well with all colors温馨的家庭 a happy family 很少在口语中听到harmonious,据我理解英文中harmonious更多指夫妻间生活和谐而a warm family 好像更多指这家人比较热情友好,比如。

3、可以用 outer and inner 来表示,内,外 还可以 wear insideoutside。

4、Her dress goes well with her pantsgo with 是最常用的match用得多的是人和人配suit也是配,指气质上的配,例如 Your hair style suits the shape of your facefit也是配,是合身的意思例如 Try the shoes。

5、On mentioning the word quotfashionquot,I immediately think of clothes。

6、n 服装衣服 It might be appropriate to wear traditional clothes on special occasions在某些特定的场合,我们适合穿传统服装2Accessories 英 #601k#39ses#601r#618z 美 #601k#39ses#601r#。


7、释义穿衣服,给某人穿衣服用法dress普通用词,指给自己或他人穿衣既表动作又可表状态四have on 读音英 h#230v #594n 美 h#230v ɑ#720n释义穿着用法have on均表示。

8、衣服的英语单词是clothes完整释义n 衣服,衣物在特定场合特定时间或由特定人群穿着的服装,礼服被褥 短语搭配clothes rack 衣架 clothes horse 晒衣架,晾衣架 clothes tree 衣帽架 词语辨析uniform。



10、The collocation of clothes is very important for a girl, I like to wear casual clothes, for casual wear very comfortable, wear casual clothes to work and exercise is very convenient In spring, autumn I。


12、match his clothes well,望采纳。


14、Can I help you,Madam?Yes I#39d like to buy a sweater for my husband Which style is the latest?These are all the latest fashion How do you like this white turtleneck one?I like this style But do。

15、They match the clothes very well祝你学习进步,更上一层楼请记得采纳,谢谢*^__^*。