
1get used to 1释义习惯于2例句 Get used to the idea of celebrating your successes要有取得成功时为自己庆祝的习惯2get up 1释义起床,筹备打扮 2例句 Do I have to get up now ?如果;一短语get的常用短语有 1get into 进入陷入穿上习惯于 2get back 回来恢复取回重新上台 3get on 上车,上马进展,使前进 4get out of 逃避避免 5get married 结婚 6get to know;get across越过,使让人理解 get away逃走 get back回来,取回 get down记下 get off下车飞机 get on上车 get in上车插话 get through电话接通,通过,用完,完成;get across = get over 被理解使人了解 Did your speech get across to the crowd? 你的演说听众理解吗? 2 get around= get round 避开,逃避 to get around the tax laws 逃避纳税 3 get away with;get up起床起立打扮安排组织 get to到达 开始 接触 找到 get up to 赶上胜过读到 get on 上车 过活 有进展 骑上马自行车等,登上车船飞机等get off 从下来。

get up 起床,筹备打扮 get out 离开,出去泄露出版 get in 进入到达陷入收获 get into 进入陷入穿上习惯于 get back 回来恢复取回重新上台 get on 上车,上马进展,使前进 get out of。

1get hold of 弄到手,认为,知道某人的去向2get information 获得信息 3get one#39s hair cut 理发 4get one#39s own way 随心所欲,肆无忌惮 5get punishment 遭到惩罚 6get accustomed to 习惯 7ge;1get above sboneself超过 变得自高自大,自傲 举例That young man is getting above himselfHe#39s only been in the firm two weeks and he#39s already telling his seniors how to do their work那个年轻;您好,我整理了一部分,14个,希望有帮助1 Get out of doing something to avoid something you don’t want to do 不做某事, 为避免做你不想做的事例句1 Somehow he managed to get out of;get up 起床,筹备打扮 get out 离开,出去泄露出版 get in 进入到达陷入收获 get into 进入陷入穿上习惯于 get back 回来恢复取回重新上台 get on 上车,上马进展,使前进 get out of 逃避;get的短语1get there 到达那里取得成功,实现目标 2get used to 习惯于3get rid 摆脱排除处理掉 4get up 起床,筹备打扮 5get out 离开,出去泄露出版 6get in 进入到达陷入收获;If we could only get at the cause of the problem!要是我们能知道问题的原因该多好啊get awayTo break free escape脱身,逃脱To leave or go away离开,走开wanted to come along, but couldn#39t get away想要一起走。


can#39t get it up for 美口对不感兴趣 缺乏劲头 have got#39em all on 口打扮得漂漂亮亮 穿得过于考究 have got#39em bad 下定决心, 认认真真 大吃其苦 How are you getting on?口你近来怎么样;Get on进行 quotTom is sluggish I wonder how he is getting on in his new workquot Get through完成 quotThere isn#39t much time left How can one get through all this work before the office closes? quot;get across = get over 被理解使人了解 Did your speech get across to the crowd? 你的演说听众理解吗?2 get around= get round 避开,逃避 to get around the tax laws 逃避纳税 3 get away with。

1get about 徘徊,走动,旅行流传 2get about 徘徊,走动,旅行流传 3get above oneself 自视高傲 4get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常 5get across 度过,通过,横过说服,使理解 6get ahead;你好,不是固定短语get me to the airport这句话里,所体现的搭配是get sb to some place是带某人去某一地方的搭配。
