
Every year a lot of children get drowned in rivers or lakes in China So we should be very careful as to avoid the similar incidents happen again First of all, we must tell our children not to play;Beware of drown, take care of lives;Drowning accidents pulled the heart, not to swim in peace 溺水事故揪人心,下水游泳不安宁Clearly, the river to prevent drown Cherish life, put an end to enter the water 清清河水,防止溺水珍惜生命;1发洪水时应注意往高处逃2尽力躲避大浪3尽量抓住浮托物4挥动鲜艳衣物呼救5洪水来之前要准备好食品药品手电筒等,并选好转移的路线和地点洪水来时要听从街道乡村政府干部的指挥,全家带上食品和衣服;关于防溺水的英语作文There is only one life, how can drowning ambition make more people leave the world!We should resist tenaciously, and our lives should not be sacrificed in vain, just like Tao Yuanmings;防溺水用英文,splashproof Prevent drowning;英文翻译Prevent drowning 很多安全标识也会这么说不准私自下水游泳,不擅自与同学结伴游泳,不在无家长或监护人带领的情况下游泳,不到无安全设施水域游泳,不到不熟悉的水域游泳,不到水边玩耍嬉戏等等;Care for life, prevention of drowning 可能是不一定对,我再帮你找找 刚找到的1Shows loving concern the life, the prevention is drowned这句在三个网站里翻译的一样,基本上就是了;be careful, deep water。

时事英文快乐学你会用英文表示“溺水”吗词汇链接溺水drowningHe was saved from drowning他溺水后被救了上来新闻溺水成海南中小学生“头号杀手”据了解,2013年度全省学校安全工作会议于今天召开,会议通报了;drowning据悉海豚有时会救溺水的游泳者Dolphins have sometimes been known to save drowning swimmers她果敢地跳入水中,救起溺水的孩子Without hesitation, she leapt into the water and saved the drowning child。


“珍爱生命预防溺水”在西方社会的表达是 1Treasure your life, Don#39t get drown2 Keep away dangerous water, keep your swimming, life is not easy。

翻译我认为应该允许学生在周末去参加活动首先,它可以使学生之间相处得更好其次,学生们可以在他们所学的科目上互相帮助当他们在学习中遇到问题时,他们可以很容易地解决它们最后,他们可以谈论如何更好地学习他们所有;Care for life, prevention of drowning 或者Love life, to prevent drowning。

1Why didn#39t you go to the party last night?2What a #39s the temperature?4It#39s not cold at should get used to it。

防止溺水,珍惜生命 夏天到了,天气非常炎热,最好的避暑方法莫过于游泳了但游泳有一定的危险性,每一年,不知有多少人因为游泳而失去了生命下面就有这么一则关于溺水的悲剧故事2008年6月25日是一个令人伤感的日子。
